“Tsuru Rei Ki Jail” (July 3 – July 6, 2020)
The 2020 Tule Lake Pilgrimage has been cancelled
March 15, 2020
The Tule Lake Pilgrimage Committee has decided to cancel the 2020 Tule Lake Pilgrimage scheduled for July 3 - 6, 2020. The decision was a difficult one, because of the continued and enthusiastic interest in our biennial Pilgrimage. Because of the concern over the risks to health and safety posed by the COVID-19 virus, we feel the unknowns of this situation are too numerous and uncertain to predict that everything will be totally cleared up by July 2020. All pilgrimage fees (registration, Village Apartment, and Single Dorm Room) will be refunded in full.
Advisory #2 (3/11/2020):
Registration for the 2020 Tule Lake Pilgrimage is now closed. Those of you who are registered should have received an email confirming your participation. If you have not received an email, please check your spam/junk email folder for an email from either: tulelakepilgrimage@gmail.com or lornamfong@gmail.com
If you submitted a complete application package and have not received an email, you are on the “wait list.” We hope to get back to you by early June; sooner if possible. We understand that this does not give you a lot of time for planning. As we begin processing cancellations from those who have had a change in plans, we will inform those on the wait list in the order received.
Now that we have a list of attendees, our focus shifts to housing and transportation. We also have a wait list for those of you who requested a Village Apartment (VA) unit. We hope to know sometime in May as to the availability of additional VA units. Bus departure locations will be determined at this time as well.
We apologize that we will not be able to accommodate all who have applied to attend this year, due to space limitations. For the over 400 pilgrims who have been registered, we look forward to seeing you this year. We ask everyone for patience as our planning activities continue. We will post additional updates on this Facebook page, and on our website: www.tulelake.org
Thank you to everyone for your interest and support in attending this year’s pilgrimage. If you have specific individual question about your application, please email: TuleLakeRegistrar@gmail.com
Advisory #1 (2/19/2020):
Attention Tule Lake Survivors and Students:
John Mirikitani, JD, Ph.D., nephew of the late “Jimmy” Tsutomu Mirikitani, has generously donated funding to pay 2020 pilgrimage registration fees for Tule Lake survivors. If you are a Tule Lake survivor, please complete the Fee Grant Application form and note “Mirikitani Grant”. If additional grant funds are available, consideration will be given to students who complete the Fee Grant Application form.
The grant is named after Jimmy Mirikitani, who was born in 1920 in Sacramento, and incarcerated for nearly four years at the Tule Lake Segregation Center.
Thank you, John Mirikitani for your generosity!
We will post additional updates on this web site and on our Facebook page "Tule Lake Pilgrimage"
Pilgrimage Cancellation Press Release PDF Click Here
Press Release Announcing Pilgrimage PDF click here